Today was our first Sunday of CHURCH AT HOME! It feels odd, really. Most of us are not where we would normally be right now. Most of us haven’t been where we normally are all week. There have been a lot of changes to our daily life lately, but one thing that remains the same is God’s Word and His love for us. “Seasons come, and seasons pass but always You remain the same.” In this time it can feel like what we do (as a church) is inconsequential, but the reality is that what we do this matters more than ever. The way the Church responds in this moment will significantly impact the way this generation sees God. We have tremendous hope that God works all things together for our good and His glory, so in the midst of these circumstances we know we don’t have to worry. God is sovereign over this. He’s capable and powerful and He is good.

We encourage you to continue your commitment to giving as we focus on meeting the needs of those in the Grace Church community and those in the community at-large especially at this time. You can continue giving your tithes and offering by:

  1. Mail to 622 Old Lancaster Pike Shillington PA 19607

  2. Text the amount you want to give to 84321

  3. Click below to give securely online

Enjoy VOLUME 1 of our CHURCH AT HOME Series: