encounter god
We believe that worship is a lifestyle, not just an act for Sunday mornings, and that His presence is the difference in all things. It’s our mission to provide a space for everyone to Encounter God and allow Him to move and change us.
experience freedom
We believe that through Christ we have been set free. It’s our mission to help you experience that freedom and step into a greater life of faith and obedience to Him.
Connect with others
We believe God designed us to be together. It’s our mission to foster uplifting relationships that help strengthen each other in our walk with God.
Change your world
We believe that Jesus calls us to reach the lost and tell them about the Good News of God’s Grace. It’s our mission to change our local community and also partner with others in global outreach for the sake of the Gospel.
There is one true, holy God, eternally existing in three equal persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has demonstrated His power, wisdom, and goodness by creating the world and everything in it.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. After His physical death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven as the only intercessor between God and humans. He promises to personally return to earth to fulfill the eternal plan of God.
The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. The Holy Spirit leads believers to live a life of Christ-like character and bear fruit for the Father’s glory. The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to apply the Bible to their own lives and to do great things for Him. The gifts of the Spirit that were evident in the early church are available, through faith, for us today.
The Bible was written by men under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is for all people, in every situation. It contains no error. The Bible is the sole basis of our belief system.
Man was created in the image of God, good and upright. By voluntary transgressions, man fell into sin. His only hope of Redemption is in Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
The central purpose of God’s revelation in Scripture is to call people into fellowship with Him. The salvation of humanity is completely a work of God’s free grace. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, God provided salvation for the spirit, healing for the soul and body, and forgiveness of sins. Those who put their trust in Jesus and set Him in command of their lives are forgiven and made new.
In this life, we have a choice to accept Christ or reject Him. After death, this decision is eternally sealed and those who have accepted Christ will be received into eternal communion with God in Heaven. Those who have rejected Him will suffer eternal separation from God in hell.
All who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are united with Him as members of His body, the one true church. Scripture commands believers to gather for worship, prayer, fellowship, and the teaching of the Word; to observe baptism and communion as established by Jesus Christ; to offer service to the body through development and use of talents, gifts, and outreach to the world. The local expression of the church is wherever God’s people meet regularly in obedience to this command. Church members are to work together in love and unity for the ultimate purpose of glorifying Christ.
We believe a sexual relationship is only appropriate in a monogamous, heterosexual marriage covenant, and therefore should only be practiced in such. We believe that any sexual practice outside of a marriage covenant is sin. We believe that God created humankind in His image, intentionally male and female with each bringing unique qualities to sexuality and relationships. Sexuality is a wonderful gift from God to be expressed in marriage for procreation, union, and mutual delight or in celibacy in devotion to God. We believe that marriage is the union of one man (husband) and one woman (wife) through a sacred covenant designed by God to be a lifelong relationship and commitment between a husband and a wife. We will teach and uphold God’s marriage design as found in the Scriptures, but we also seek to minister to those who suffer the consequences of its brokenness. We also affirm that we are called to minister to all who fall short of God’s standards with love and compassion. (Genesis 1:27, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 7:35, Matthew 19:4-6)