Missions (Local & Abroad)

We have been actively praying and revamping our involvement in missions both locally and in other countries. We desire to expand these connections as the budget grows to enable us to send/support many more missionaries and/or ministries who make a kingdom impact. Here’s the current list of ministries we’re supporting monthly:

Jeffrey D Miller Ministries - “Bringing the message of the Messiah to the Jews”

Vince Sellers - Ministry of Reconciliation - teaching, equipping, & evangelizing in the US, parts of Africa, and the Ukraine.

Michael & Pamela Kaucher - Transformative Solutions Network - Berks County region - They walk alongside business and church leaders helping them bridge connections, identify resources, and discover solutions for their communities to be transformed and thrive. They also work with an organization called Pa Family.

Ron & Sandy Whitmoyer - This Little Light Ministries
To be faithful to God’s calling in cooperation with other ministries that reach out to disadvantaged children. Sharing God’s love here and abroad, through education, food, and medical assistance. Giving hope and encouragement in unity with these communities.

Serving in humility and brotherly love to lift up God’s people. For it was Christ’s love which came first, and it is from this love that we have been inspired. Let us walk in the example He gave us. Let us join others to fulfill His Great Commission. Let His light shine through us.