Grace Church Family, 

Here are some things we’re doing to bring “Church” to you. We’re calling it CHURCH AT HOME!

Every Sunday morning at approximately 7:30am we’ll post a Worship Service that we encourage you to watch from the comfort of your home. You’ll be able to watch this on our website or on any of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), as well as access it through a weekly CHURCH AT HOME email sent out Sunday morning. This will include both worship and a message. While this is obviously not our favorite way to do church, we are confident in the power of the Holy Spirit to do a work in our hearts from wherever we participate. For families with children, we’ll also be including links to the Grace Kids curriculum which includes bible stories and worship experiences tailored for their age groups in these emails. Parents can also download the ‘Parent Cue’ app through the App Store or Google Play Store and engage with their children through conversations and activities that they’re familiar with when they come to Grace Church. 

This is all being done out of respect for our governing authorities. We know this situation may continue longer than just this Sunday but our FAITH is found in the Living God, and together we’re praying for a breakthrough so we meet together again soon!  We hope you’ll be encouraged throughout this whole situation to remember that the Church of Christ is not confined to the walls within which we normally meet. In fact, it is under similar circumstances such as this that the Church has historically exploded in influence and strength, all for the Glory of God. The Gospel will not be stopped by earthly circumstances. If you are really struggling and looking for something more than a digital experience, Pastor Ray and Nancy will be available at the Grace Church sanctuary 10am Sunday morning for any sort of prayer or encouragement you may need.

Follow our CHURCH AT HOME blog for regular updates and encouragement. Our current situation is rapidly changing, and the best way for us to keep communication clear and concise is to host all of our communications in one place. We recognize this is a challenging time and our hope is to bring encouragement and Godly perspective to you through our digital platforms. We’d LOVE to hear from you throughout this whole situation! You are always welcome to email any prayer requests or general questions and thoughts to hello@mygracechurch.com. You can also engage with us on any of our social media platforms as well as the blog posts in the comments section. 

You can continue giving your tithes and offering by mail to 622 Old Lancaster Pike Shillington PA 19607 and at mygracechurch.com/give or text the dollar amount you want to give to 84321. We encourage you to continue your commitment to giving as we focus on meeting the needs of those in the Grace Church community and those in the community at-large especially at this time.

Lastly and maybe most importantly, check in on each other. We were designed by God to be in community with each other, so having our regular methods of communication changed can be disorienting. Call each other, text each other, pray for each other!

God Bless You and Keep You,

Grace Church